A Minecraft Server since 2012
The survival map is now unlimited, both the overworld and nether / the end. This will make exploring much more fun, and it will be easier to build secure bases. Map is still the same. This will also allow new chunks from the upcoming 1.17 update.
The server has been divided into 4 servers that are running simultaneous as one server under the same IP, mc.norhood.com. This will allow us to expand the server as needed, and protect the server from lag-spikes. No maps have been reset.
The server map is a 30,000 x 30,000 blocks circle that will expand as needed. We are working on generating the whole map within this circle to prevent broken biomes when new biomes are added, but it takes a while. The map is avaliable at https://norhood.com/wiki/server-map.
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